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middle east 中東〔地中海東岸至印度地區,通常包括 Near East...

middle empire

Roosevelt and america ' s policy towards the middle east 羅斯福與美國的中東政策

Palestine issue is the core of the middle east issue 巴勒斯坦問題是中東問題的核心

This would destroy the entire peace of the middle east 這將會破壞整個中東和平。

Summary of nationwide symposium globalization and middle east 全國學術研討會紀要

This struggle will not be confined to the middle east 這場斗爭將不局限于中東。

Nationalism and socio - cultural changes in the middle east 對冷戰后民族主義的思考

They wanted to ease the tension in the middle east 他們試圖緩解中東的緊張局勢。

Petrolem element in american project of great middle east 中東沖突歷史兩大關系

Anti - terrorism campaign and the situation of middle east 試論美國反恐與中東局勢

I have several relatives working in the middle east 我有好幾個親戚在中東工作。

Climatological information for middle east and west asia 西亞及中東各地氣候資料

Globalization and international affairs in the middle east 全球化與中東國際關系

Characteristics of terrorism in contemporary middle east 當代中東恐怖主義的特點

Climatological information for west asia and middle east 西亞及中東各地氣候資料

His report refers to the situation in the middle east 他的報告談到中東的形勢。

Dubai port : the logistics and shipping hub in middle east 中東地區的物流航運樞紐

Celia's younger sister, janet, flew to philadelphia for the funeral, though leaving her busy oilman husband and their two small children in the middle east . 西莉亞的妹妹簡特飛來費城參加葬禮,卻把她那繁忙的、搞石油的丈夫和兩個年齡還小的孩子留在了中東。

These internal tensions, plus border disputes, mass migrations, and perennial arab-israeli clashes, make the middle east particularly explosive . 這些內部的緊張關系,加上邊界糾紛,大量移民以及阿拉伯和以色列的長期沖突,使中東特別具有爆炸性。

I thought it unwise in the extreme to announce such a decision before we had any idea of the next soviet move in the middle east . 我認為,在我們沒有弄清楚蘇聯在中東下一步的打算之前,就宣布這樣一個決定是非常不明智的。